Monday, July 19, 2010

Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a group of 8 fat-soluble vitamins which help prevent oxidative stress to the body, and to other vitamins within the body. Vitamin E's antioxidant properties are the reason why it is known for keeping skin healthy, and for helping prevent cancer.
1: Sunflower Seeds
A great snack on the go, or a great garnish on salads and soups, sunflower seeds provide 36.6mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving, accounting for 121% of the RDA.
2: Paprika and Red Chili Powder
It is nice to know you are able to add pepper to a dish whether mild(paprika) or spicy(red chili powder) and get the same amount of vitamin E, around 30mg per 100g serving which is 99% of the RDA! That is 7% RDA in a single tablespoon.
3: Almonds
Almonds are best as a snack in raw whole form, but can also be found as almond butter and almond milk. Almonds provide 26.2mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving accounting for 87% of the RDA.
4: Pine Nuts
Known as a key component in pesto, pine nuts are also great on their own, or added to a fruit salad. They provide 9.3mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving(31% RDA).
5: Basil And Oregano (dried)
Basil and oregano go a long way in pasta sauce and pizzas, but are also great sprinkled on top of salads and sandwiches. A 100g serving will provide 7.38mg of vitamin E(25% RDA).
6: Peanuts
Most common in butter form, peanuts also make a great dry roasted unsalted snack, chop up a few and they make a great garnish to just about anything. A 100g serving will provide 6.93mg of vitamin E(23% RDA).
7: Dried Apricots
Most common as a snack, dried apricots can also be chopped and thrown into a fruit salad. A good source of fiber and many other vitamins, apricots also provide 4.33mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving(14%RDA).
8: Pickled Green Olives
Olives have no end to culinary use, great in pasta sauce, pizzas, salads, or alone with bread, they will provide 3.81mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving(13% RDA).
9: Cooked Spinach
Cooked spinach is great in stews, lasagnas, or as a side all by itself. It will provide 3.54mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving(12% RDA).
10: Cooked Taro
Inedible raw, taro is best baked, boiled, or incorporated into a bread. Worth trying as a substitute for potato, taro root gives 2.93mg vitamin E in a 100g serving(10% RDA) and can be found in your local Asia market if not the grocery store.